The television show Miami Vice captured the essence of Miami’s beauty during the opening credits as a helicopter flew over the turquoise ocean. This opening credit was viewed by millions and helped promote Miami around the world.
Today, people still associate this scene as they prepare to take a helicopter tour in Miami. The first thing people say, “Let’s zoom past the water like Miami Vice.” With a helicopter tour you get to relive this particular scene for nearly an entire hour at speeds over 100-110 mph.
Our helicopter tour will allow you to see nearly 65% of the most scenic sights Miami has to offer. You get to see the beach and the coastlines. You get to see condominiums, Art Deco and the homes of the rich and famous all over Miami. You get to see fishing boats, speed boats, jet skis and parasailers. You get to see Star Island. You get to see the Downtown Miami skyline. You get to see the Port of Miami. All this and have absolutely no obstructions to your private tour.
Your private helicopter begins in North Miami Beach, Haulover Beach, Bal Harbour, Surfside, Miami Beach, South Beach, Fisher Island, Virginia Key, Downtown Miami, Port of Miami with the Cargo District and the Cruise Ship Terminal, Venetian Islands, Star Island, Indian Creek Island, North Miami and Dolphin Stadium.
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